Food at the World Championships 2021
aangemaakt op 10 september 2021 11:01 door wakkermans , bijgewerkt op 16 september 2021 16:45 door wakkermans
Anders, Kerkweg 4, 2064 KP Spaarndam, zaterdag 18 september 2021.
With the pandemic looming upon the event we didn't plan to organize food. However, we found a hidden gem of a tiny restaurant that serves delicious food and offers takeout for larger groups as well. The restaurant is called Broccolis, and specializes in "doing miracles with veggies".
Here you can register for a choice of meals on Saturday. They will be picked up at the restaurant by us and taken to the Blauhek camp site at 19:00 on Saturday 18th. The plan is that we have a joint meal in the open air, let's hope that weather permits.
- You can order food until Wednesday September 15.
- This restaurant specializes in taste, not quantity of food. Pasta + main course + desert gives you a normal portion of food, probably not sufficient for doing the 6 hour race next day. Either order double, or bring oatmeal/your own secret weapon to boost your carbohydrate levels.
- We will bring softdrinks to go with the food.
- Bring plate and spoon/fork. There will only be a few emergency couverts.
- You can of course also take part in the joint meal with your own food. The more people the better!
Choice of meal
- Starter A: Pasta Norma
Pasta with tomatoes, aubergine, onions, basil and ricotta salata - Starter B: Ravioli & Pesto
Ravioli (fresh pasta), filled with mozzarella and sun-dried tomatoes, served with homemade pesto alla Genovese - Main course A: Oven dish saffron rice
With aubergines, courgettes, carrots, onion, mozzarella, fresh Parmesan, parsley and thyme. Served with salad - Main course: Stuffed Aubergine
Eggplant, filled with quinoa, eggplant, fresh parsley served with yogurt sauce and salad. - Salad instead of main: Avocado and grilled vegetables.
Avocado grilled eggplant, bell pepper and zucchini, edamame creamy goat cheese, cherry tomatoes flavored with Tzatziki-sauce - Dessert: Tiramisu
Homemade Tiramisu' flavored with Espresso Italiano & Amaretto Liqueur - Dessert: Vegan apple pie.
Flour, apples, sunflower oil, brown sugar, yeast/ Flour, apples, sunflower oil, brown sugar, yeast
To proceed to the registration, first login to ligfiets.net, then click on the 'inschrijven', 'register' or 'anmelden' below.
Zie ook: https://cyclevision.nl
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