Preregistration WHPVA Speed Championships 2021
aangemaakt op 11 januari 2021 13:44 door wakkermans , bijgewerkt op 26 augustus 2021 12:54 door wakkermans
Wedstrijd, Spaarnwoude and Amsterdam Sloten, vrijdag 17 september 2021.
Note: Pre-registration is closed. Definitive registration is open. Pre-register for the 2021 HPV World Championships! You help your fellow competitors to get enthusiast and find shared transport, and you help us to organize a better event.
The HPV World Championships are coming to The Netherlands in the weekend of 17-19 September 2021. Last year this same event was cancelled due to government-imposed regulations aimed to reduce spread of the coronavirus. This year the event has been postponed by two months from the original date in July. Halfway May we will open the definitive (paid) registration.
See the event website for details about the event and the race program.
We invite all who are serious about participating to pre-register. Pre-registration is free. Final registration will cost in the order of 50 euros.
To register you first need to create an account on this website, or use your existing account details.
Note: if you create a new account, it contains only your name and email address.
Before you continue, go to 'Your account/Profile' to enter also your street address. Also write down your password, you will need it later for the definitive registration. Then come back here, and, if you are logged in, the green word 'register' ('inschrijven') should appear below the Google map.
The questions asked for pre-registration may look a bit awkward due to the fact that this website only allows yes/no and 'how many' questions.
Zie ook: https://cyclevision.nl
Meer info bij cycle vision committee
Deelname aan alle activiteiten van de NVHPV geschiedt op eigen risico.
Inschrijven is op dit moment niet mogelijk.
E: nvhpv@ligfiets.net
KvK: 40259675
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