Leisure Ride from Spaarnwoude to Zaanse Schans
aangemaakt op 19 december 2019 13:58 door wakkermans , bijgewerkt op 02 mei 2021 00:38 door wakkermans
Toertocht, zondag 18 juli 2021.
Originally planned for the Monday after the (now postponed) World Championships, there may still be interest for this ride on the day after 'training for the Worlds'.
The leisure ride will depart from and return at the Spaarnwoude race track parking lot. The tour is about 50 kms (5 km shortcut possible). Besides riding through beautiful flatland with lots of water, we will arrive at the world famous 'Zaanse Schans' and spend some time there, before we return to Spaarnwoude passing through more wetlands and countryside.
For Google Streeview, use the Google Maps link.
Suggested lunch stop: Batavia 1894.
For GPX export, use the Fietsrouteplanner link. This link contains the most recent updates.
If you are visiting without a bike, you may be able to rent an upright bike here.
You make us happy when you register for this ride, but if not you can also just show up. To register, first create a Ligfiets.net account or login to it, then click the 'register' or 'inschrijven' link below. There is no cost, but you may want to bring money to buy lunch and souvenirs at Zaanse Schans.
Zie ook: https://cyclevision.nl
Meer info bij Cycle Vision organizing committee
Deelname aan alle activiteiten van de NVHPV geschiedt op eigen risico.
Om je in te schrijven dien je ingelogd te zijn.
E: nvhpv@ligfiets.net
KvK: 40259675
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Verslagen (1)
Question, What time are you thinking of starting?
rachel58, 22 jun 2021 21:48