Schmitternacht Races in Stotzheim near Cologne
aangemaakt op 14 maart 2017 23:36 door jostein
Wedstrijd, Stotzheim near Cologne, vrijdag 25 augustus 2017.
Within an evening of races on a 800 m City Course we got the possibility for a 25 minute time slot at approx 20.00 h just before the professional racers around André Greipel will go for a 60 rounds criterium.
It is an 800 m course on smooth but small roads. So we are going to use this opportunity for an common demonstration race with ligfiets and velomobiles - with High and less speed and with colours and fun. We expect lots of spectators when starting at primetime.
At the moment it looks like we do not need to pay a fee for the race on Friday.
The track is around 6 km from the Cologne wheeler track (Albert Richter Radstadion) where we have a free possibility to camp inside the track.
At the following day we have on this track several races for ligfiets and velomobiles and may be also a trial for a new world record.
Discussions about it in the velomobilforum.de: http://www.velomobilforum.de/forum/index.php?threads/liegeraeder-und-vms-im-rahmen-der-schmitternacht-bei-koeln.47599/
a report from last year: http://www.komet-delia.de/2016/08/rennatmosphaere-pur-bei-der-schmitter-nacht-von-stotzheim/
Save the date. Register for the race. We are looking forward to meet you in Cologne. Registration closes 12.08.17 as we have to forward the racers to the race commitee from RC Schmitter & Komet Delia.
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