Ride and Get-Together VM Seminar / Velomobieltreffen + toertocht
aangemaakt op 18 mei 2012 08:57 door ligfries , bijgewerkt op 29 augustus 2012 21:02 door ligfries
Treffen, Dronten, vrijdag 07 september 2012.
Gettogether linked to the velomobile seminar.
Get together linked to the velomobile seminar.
Time table at the bottom.
As part of the 7th International Velomobile Seminar in Dronten (NL) on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 September, there will be a Get-Together for all interested people.
The seminar has a range of interesting presentations. Go to the seminar website for more information on the various themes.
Obviously, a successful velomobile seminar can't do without a great Get Together. An opportunity to catch up with fellow velomobile riders from countries all over the world. The get together has it's own programme, well aligned with the seminar.
The Get-Together includes meals and night-stays, a party evening with live music and BBQ, an attempt to break the largest number of velomobiles record and as a completion a grand tour around Flevoland and surrounding area. Parts of the get together require a (small) payment for participation. The grand tour includes a lunch and will cost €15.
- The centre of the get-together will be the Dronten Campingsite Wisentbos. You are welcome from Thursday afternoon. Below are the options for staying:
- Own tent, night including breakfast and/or diner
- Communal tent, night including breakfast and/or diner (bring your own matrass and sleeping bag) No need for your own tent if you take this option
The tent options can be booked and payed witht the organisation.
- Caravan or chalet (4, 6 or 8 persons) on the camping – book and pay directly with camp site
- Guest houses or hotel rooms in the neighbourhood are also available within the Dronten area. We can not arrange these for you, but we can provide contact details (hotel, B&B). Make your own arrangements. Reservation and payment is your responsibility.
Payment in cash on location
09.45 collect at the square in front of the Meerpaal: De Rede 80, Dronten
10.00 Count the velomobiles and try to break the record.
10.25 Mayors speach
10.30 Departure for tour with the mayor in the Duo-Quest
12.30 - 14.30 lunch and visit to Schokland
15.15 Visit to Urk
appr. 17.00 a 17.30 return to Dronten
Extra: 18.30 pasta meal at the Wisentbos = camping.
Participation to the tour E 15, cash at the start of the tour.
Extra: Registration prior to the event required for the pasta diner at the camping: E15 to be paid at the camping or at the start of the tour.
Zie ook: http://www.velomobileseminar.com
Meer info bij Chair Kees van Malssen
Deelname aan alle activiteiten van de NVHPV geschiedt op eigen risico.
Om je in te schrijven dien je ingelogd te zijn.
E: nvhpv@ligfiets.net
KvK: 40259675
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Verslagen (7)
ook hier kan ik niks mee
naaf, 15 jul 2012 16:44
Op de site van Jos Sluijsmans (één van de organisatoren) is een Nederlandse vertaling van deze uitnodiging te vinden.
De kortste samenvatting die ik kan geven: het wordt heel leuk.
MaartenSneep, 17 jul 2012 23:26
The ride on Saturday has been tested. If you have a GPS, you can download a track that allows you to see where we're going. If you don't have a GPS, you can use a description in English or in Duch with printable maps. With a bigger group it is nice to have multiple people with knowledge of the route, but it is rather unlikely to get lost. A large group of velomobiles tends to stand out.
quesjer, 26 aug 2012 14:21
Mooi initiatief, maar wanneer begint de tourtocht nu eigenlijk? Ik neem aan dat de record poging en het beginpunt van de tour camping Wisentbos in Dronten is? Wanneer verzamelen wij voor de telling en wanneer begint de tocht?
cnar, 28 aug 2012 09:45, bewerkt op 28 aug 2012 09:46
De recordpoging is zaterdag 8 september om 10.00 uur op het plein voor De Meerpaal in Dronten. Aansluitend is de start van de Toertocht. Het startsein wordt gegeven door burgemeester Aat de Jonge van Dronten.
JosSluijsmans, 28 aug 2012 17:31
Is de route (al) voor gps beschikbaar en zo ja, waar kan ik die vinden?
Victor--hep er zin an--Rinia.
rowingvictor, 05 sep 2012 11:34
Jazeker, de route is te vinden op de pagina met de details toertocht en treffen. Naar beneden en dan zit onder het kopje "Ride Details" alles wat je weten wilt.
Het weerbericht voor zaterdag is zeer goed, dus wie zich nog niet had aangemeld: vooral komen (even een mailtje en ter plekke betalen voor lunch en versnaperingen).
ligfries, 05 sep 2012 13:16