Human Power Weekend 2000, Denmark
aangemaakt op 31 maart 2010 20:17 door rene
Anders, zaterdag 12 augustus 2000.
Join our cosy Recumbent-bike weekend in Denmark!
Saturday, August the12.th at 10.00 to Sunday the 13.th 15.00
Starting in Aalborg (Northern Jutland) at the railway station and
airport, we ride north through the countryside to the sea and further on
to the Ecological Farmer School, where we stay for the night. Next day
we will arrange a litle (12 km) race and afterwards ride back to Aalborg.
We will have supper and breakfast at the Ecological Farmer School.
Coming from abroad you may wish to stay overnight from friday in
Aalborg, either camping or at the Youth Hostel.
The ride through the countryside:
We plan two routes, a 'familyroute', aprox. 60 km, and a 'tough' route
120 km.
We will all ride together out of Aalborg town through Noerresundby town.
Then the 'tough' will ride westwards while the rest of us will head for
the beach. Later we expect to meet again at the beach to have lunch and
go together to the school.
At the scool we will have beds to sleep in, but you should bring your
own sheets if you do not wish to hire them for a small extra fee.
You will make the supper in cooperation with the rest of us - probably
some pasta, salad and sauce - as well as the breakfast.
We expect that the price will be arrund DKK 200 or 30 ECU or GBP 20.
Please let us know if you want to be kept informed about this. In June
you will have to book, if you want to join, though latecommers may join
anytime if we can accomodate. We expect between 20 and 50 participants.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Gert Kracke, Martin Hesselsoe, Torben Andersen, Thorkild Johs. Nielsen
German language, Gert Kracke (+45) 9823 5506
In English or Scandinavian languages, Thorkild Nielsen (+45) 9829 3262
Thorkild Johs. Nielsen, Langbrokrovej 18, DK-9310 Vodskov
e-mail: thorkild@mobilixnet.dk
Meer info bij Thorkild Johs. Nielsen
Deelname aan alle activiteiten van de NVHPV geschiedt op eigen risico.
Inschrijven is op dit moment niet mogelijk.
E: nvhpv@ligfiets.net
KvK: 40259675
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