aangemaakt op 31 maart 2010 20:17 door rene
Anders, donderdag 03 augustus 2000.
"A tour in the Archipelago for Alternative Vehicles"
Ride your HPV / electric or solar vehicle in Europe's biggest
archipelago, from island to island over 17 bridges using 9 ferries.
Spend four days at a leisurely pace to cover 250 km landway and 40 km
waterway over the islands in the beautiful south western part of Finland.
You can make the tour also by an electric/solar boat.
During the Archipelago tour you can:
ENJOY the beauty of a unique nature, the company of nice people
using ecologically sound vehicles/boats.
DEMONSTRATE ecologically sustainable transportation
AVOID pollution
PROMOTE proper tourism
The tour is aimed as a positive demonstration of an alternative way of
transportation but also a nice way of collecting people with
echologichal interests. It is not a speed competition. An important
part is to increase the knowledge and usage of these vehicles / boats.
See Bike Culture Quaterly 19, p. 12-13 for an article about the 1999
Eco-Trip, online at http://bikeculture.com/bcq/19/bcq19-1.html.
Contact adress for further information:
Olli Kuusisto
tel. +358 2 4110871
fax +358 2 2434066
e-mail: olli.kuusisto@kaarina.fi
http://www.abo.fi/~agustavs/echo/ (including on-line registration)
Address: PB 22, 20781 Kaarina, Finland
Zie ook: http://www.abo.fi/~agustavs/echo/
Meer info bij Olli Kuusisto
Deelname aan alle activiteiten van de NVHPV geschiedt op eigen risico.
Inschrijven is op dit moment niet mogelijk.
E: nvhpv@ligfiets.net
KvK: 40259675
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