Authors Instructions
Gepubliceerd op 28 juli 2012 12:23, bijgewerkt op 06 augustus 2012 20:06
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Several authors have inquired about the final submission of the papers. Here we provide details of what we would like you to supply us with.
First of all we would like to thank you for your participation in the velomobile seminar. In the call for papers a deadline for August 1st was mentioned. We have decided to extend that deadline to 2 weeks before the seminar, that is to the 24th of August. Publication will be done electronically, giving us more time to prepare the proceedings.
Other items that are probably relevant to authors:
- Because publication is done electronically we have decided not to set a page limit (in either direction).
- We encourage you to use illustrations and photography to clarify your points.
- We would like to receive a pdf of your contribution and the original source files (Word, OpenOffice, LaTeX, …) of your document. Please supply illustrations as separate files.
We will combine the contributions into a downloadable format for future reference. Formatting instructions:
- Papersize is A4 (297 × 210 mm)
- Left- and right margins of 3.5 cm, a top margin of 3 cm and a bottom margin of 5 cm.
- Use a top margin of 5 cm on the first page.
- We will add page numbers, headers and footers. Please do not include page numbers.
- Use a serif font in 11 point size for the body text.
For LaTeX users there is a class available that conforms to the above instructions.
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