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Steve Donaldson verongelukt

Gepubliceerd op 25 april 2003 00:00 (109 keer bekeken) 0Reacties

Op 23 april werd de Schotse Steve Donaldson aangereden door een auto terwijl hij met zijn Windcheetah naar zijn werk reed. Hij overleed in het ziekenhuis. Steve was een trouw deelnemer aan Schotse, Britse en internationale (lig)fietsevenementen. Wedstrijdrijders kennen hem als de fanatieke doch altijd lachende man in de rose (zelfgemaakte) stroomlijn. Vorig jaar nam hij deel aan CycleVision terwijl zijn vrouw Sherri speaker was. In het uitgebreide bericht een 'obituary' door de voorzitter van de IHPVA en de BHPC.

The British Human Power Club
From: Richard Ballantine, Chair & Press
To: All BHPC Members and Friends

Steve Donaldson 1964 - 2003

On Wednesday 23 April, while cycling through Bucksburn, Steve Donaldson was in collision with a car. He died in hospital.

Steve was Secretary of the British Human Power Club. He was involved with the club from the founding period 1983/84, and became Secretary in 1996.

Steve was an exceptional person; good-hearted, kind, warm, and thoughtful. Together with his wife, Sherri, he gave generously of his time and energy to the BHPC, guiding the club, organizing events, and performing a multitude of tasks. Steve was a familiar competitor at international championships, and active in the International Human Powered Vehicle Association.

An all around cyclist and racer, Steve gained fame for burning out the brakes on a early model Windcheetah Speedy on a 17 km descent while touring in France. He raced various HPVs, including a Kingcycle and a K-drive Wasp, fitted with fairings of his own design. He was a happy competitor. The dual between Steve and gNick Green in the open class final at the HPV World Championships 2002 in Lelystad, was as intense, close-fought and exciting a contest as might ever be. Yet even when working and racing hard, Steve usually had a big (if sometimes a touch rueful) smile on his face.

Steve¹s cycling interests extended to a wider world. He was a stalwart of the Deeside Thistle cycling club and officiated at many of the Aberdeen events. He was also active with the local Cyclists¹ Touring Club District Association.

We all miss Steve greatly.


Tributes to Steve Donaldson will be posted on the BHPC web site ( and appear in the next newsletter. There is a Memorial Book at:
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