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European Cycle Relay

Gepubliceerd op 23 maart 2015 20:58, bijgewerkt op 25 maart 2015 14:14 (271 keer bekeken) 0Reacties

Het idee van een estafette slaat aan: ook in Europees verband wordt er één georganiseerd.

About European Cycle Relay

The project European Cycle Relay is a socio-cultural sport event that started in August 2014. It's aim is to promote and raise awareness in Europe and beyond of the use of cycles as sustainable means of transport and to reduce the socio-cultural barriers between European countries. The routes are based on the Eurovelo routes identified by the ECF (European Cyclists’ Federation), but is not part of it. However the individual stages, as well as the Orient Express route, have been developed by our team. The European Cycle Relay has received no funding and is a not-for-profit project.


The European Cycle Relay is a non-competitive cycling relay that will travel across Europe through 15 routes and 39 countries, at a pace of 70 km per day, adding up to more than 70,000 km!


Because we love riding our bikes. Because we believe that bikes are a symbol of sustainability. Because we believe that anyone can cycle for 70 km, and even those who don't cycle much. Because we want to be part of a broad-minded, heterogeneous group of people, each doing their bit of the track, carrying a message of unity across Europe.


The tracks, cutting across the whole of Europe, are based on the Eurovelo tracks 1 to 15. One additional track follows the Orient Express route. For each track, you’ll find an indication of where to start and where to end, however please feel free to choose whether you want to ride the full track or only part of it. Also, although we’ll provide a suggested itinerary, but most choose the road more comfortable and safe to go and enjoy it!


The relay will start on May 9th 2015, Europe Day. You will then have until September 23rd, the last day of Summer, to complete your chosen tracks.


Anyone. We believe 70 km a day is a distance that can be covered by everyone You can attend alone, with your family or in a group, knowing that you are joining other cyclists that are participating with you along the various routes.


Register or log in, go to the Join Us page and decide how you would like to participate .
Via the Countries: choose the country that interests you and see what routes cut through it. You can then select the route and finally your preferred stage.
Via the Routes: choose the route that interests you and see what countries that route cuts across. You can then select the country and finally your preferred stage.
All you have to do then is to join the relay! Remember that you can choose more than one stage, find other cyclists to go along with, share it with your friends, or even choose not to do it anymore. And of course don't forget to let us know that you did it and to send us a picture!


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