Nieuwe Optima Highracer
Gepubliceerd op 13 december 2010 19:22, bijgewerkt op 13 december 2010 19:51
(1575 keer bekeken) 0
Nog niet officieel in productie, eigenlijk is er nog maar 1 prototype van, maar we hebben nu al de primeur. De fabrikant Optima reageert op een gerucht op het forum van Bentrideronline en laat nu alvast het nieuwe model zien.
De basisgegevens van de nieuwe fiets staan hieronder. Het is niet bekend wanneer de fiets leverbaar gaat worden en of onderstaande gegevens niet alsnog zullen worden gewijzigd. De gegevens zijn dus voorlopig:
- 56 cm zithoogte
- zithoek verstelbaar tussen 23 en 28 graden.
De reactie op de vraag en geruchten op Bentrideronline is: "Now, about the Highracer.
The reason to design this bike is as follows. We think that we can do better than many current highracers out there. Our main aim was to design a highracer that is rideable by shorter people as well, without any crank-wheel-overlap.
Having said this, I’ll give you the following (preliminary!) geometry dimensions:
Seat height: only 56cm (22 inches) with 2x700C!
Seat angle: same as Optima Baron (23-28 degrees)
Minimal X-Seam without any crank-wheel-overlap: about 101cm or 40 inches.
Please note that these are preliminary dimensions; they are not yet final, not completely verified just yet and may still change.
Please also note that the prototype from the pictures is already different from the current design status. The depicted prototype is a little higher than the final bike will be, and the seat inclination range is more reclined than it will be.
It was created to verify some assumptions and to test some ideas that we had.
In order to understand some of our design decisions, I’ll share some basic choices that have to be made when designing a highracer.
The seat height plays a very big role in determining the minimal x-seam without any crank overlap. So, a highracer with lower seat height may look easy for shorter riders, but reality means that you probably have quite some crank-wheel-overlap. Making a highracer a bit taller will make it look as if it’s only suitable for tall riders, but there is actually less or no crank-wheel-overlap! This goes especially for 700C highracers..
So the reason that there are no 18 inch seat-height 700C-bents is just that: crank-wheel-overlap.
Seat height and wheel-chain-overlap is also a major factor to address.
Actually, that’s what “25Hz” already posted @ 12-10-2010, 9:30 AM.
Something else that we’d like to address is stated similarities between Performer’s aesthetics and Optima’s: let’s just keep it simple and remind you which brand was first ;)
About the pictured highracers on photos and ‘bike fit info’ that’s provided by manufacturers; that’s one of the reasons why we wanted to reply in this thread. We agree with “Bent wannabee” @ 12-10-2010, 04:33 AM that the photo’s are often not realistic in terms of length setting. That’s why we focused hard on making this one more suitable for shorter riders. Please do note though, that the pictures of our prototype were made by our mechanic after he test-rode it, and he is very tall!
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