City Cycling 55
Gepubliceerd op 05 februari 2010 00:00
(50 keer bekeken) 0
City cycling nummer 55 staat online.
In deze uitgave staan geen ligfietsen maar het blad is wel gevuld met allerlei andere fietsen zoals fotos van hogefietsen, driewielige wielrenfietsen enzovoort.
De makers hebben veel moeite gedaan om het blad te vernieuwen en schrijven:
.issue 55 online now!
Well, a month later than it was expected, but hopefully worth the wait. There are a few subtle changes within the issue, and you can read more about those within the editorial. Elsewhere it's a packed edition, with a fascinating main article on cycling and depression, entitled 'Downward Spiral Upward Cycle'. We've also got pieces on strict liability; how to protect yourself with a bike (1900s style) and much much more (with a few changes to be added as well in the coming weeks).
So in the meantime, enjoy, and we hope it was worth the wait!
Anthony Robson
Editor, Citycycling Magazine
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