Citycycling 54
Gepubliceerd op 06 december 2009 00:00
(45 keer bekeken) 0
Het online blad Citycycling sluit het jaar af met nummer 54.
Another absolutely packed issue of citycycling. Two main features for
you: one of which involves a remarkable travel tale with an Aussie, a
Canadienne, two rescued hounds, thousands of miles, falls, races and
trailers; the other sees us delving into the mucky world of cyclocross.
All the usuals are there, from the advice of Madam Raven to the
adventure of Professor Dawes; from the rhyming of the cyclepoet to the
beautiful images of the gallery. Dave Moulton looks at the
relationship between head angles and steering, and we look briefly at
two new campaigns: one on 'road' tax, another involving videos of bad
We also try to get to the bottom of why cyclists are hated (or,
indeed, if we are hated); bring in some pedantry to the mix; imagine a
traffic planning conversation; look at how to write for the Daily
Mail; wonder at the need to dismount; and bring music to Twitter.
Oh, and last but not least, check out the store pages within the issue
(we've not updated the link on the elft yet) for some great ideas for
Happy pedalling! (and have a great Christmas, we'll see you in the New
Anthony Robson
Editor, Citycycling Magazine
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