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Zelfbouwer Greg heeft nieuwe blog

Gepubliceerd op 17 oktober 2009 00:00 (118 keer bekeken) 0Reacties

We volgen de avonturen van zelfbouwer Greg al een tijdje. Hij heeft nu zijn plannen bijgesteld.

Sinds 2004 volgen we de avonturen van Greg, zijn plannen waren toen om het Trans-canada-record te doorbreken. Uiteindelijk bleek het om het 24 uur record te gaan. In zijn nieuwe blog houdt hij de ontwikkeling bij om een mensaangedreven boot te maken. In eerste instantie voor een trans-atlantische tocht, maar zoals nu blijkt zijn die plannen veranderd naar een tocht naar Hawaii.Overigens begint Greg wat dichterbij huis met een tocht rondom Vancouver eiland. Zie onderstaand persbericht:

Endurance Athletes To Pedal Hi-tech Boat Around Vancouver Island
Oct. 15, 2009
– One week from now, endurance athletes Greg Kolodziejzyk of
Calgary and Jordan Hanssen of Seattle, WA will attempt a nautical circumnavigation
of Vancouver Island, piloting the custom-designed, pedal-powered boat Within on its
first long-distance ocean voyage. Greg and Jordan will launch Within on Friday, Oct.
23 from Comox, BC and will travel clockwise around the Island. If successful, this
voyage will be the first-ever circumnavigation of the Island in a pedal-powered boat.

The journey is expected to take approximately two weeks to three weeks, depending
on weather and ocean conditions. British kayaker Sean Morley holds the current
record for a human-powered trip around the island, completing a counter-clockwise
paddling trip in 17 days, 4 hours, and 49 minutes in September 2008.

Greg has previously set 2 human-powered records (land and water) for the longest
distance traveled in 24 hours. Hanssen was captain of the American team who won
the trans-Atlantic Ocean Fours rowing race in 2006 and has also cycled coast-to-
coast in Australia – from Perth to Sydney. Kolodziejzyk's reason for this arduous
journey isn't about entering the record books however.

“My objective is to demonstrate the amazing things a human being can do under his
or her own power. I hope to motivate and inspire more people to explore their own
human-powered potential. It's good for the environment, it's essential for our health,
and sends the right message regarding physical activity to our children.”

Hanssen says they'll be expecting the unexpected, “I think Vancouver Island is a
complex coastline with complex water. I feel confident, but there are definitely a lot of
things we will learn. As I was once told by a veteran sailor, it's all about how you
recover from your first big mistake!”

The attempt is the duo's first chance to test the boat in ocean conditions and an
opportunity to prepare for an even more ambitious journey. Called Pedal The Ocean,
Kolodziejzyk will attempt a solo Pacific crossing from Victoria to Hawaii, currently
planned for June 2010.

Calgary Press Conference - Glenmore Reservoir, 12pm, Wednesday, Oct. 21st.
Departure Date - Friday, Oct. 23th, Comox, BC. Time: TBA


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