Bijzondere fietstocht
Gepubliceerd op 28 februari 2009 00:00
(48 keer bekeken) 0
Een bijzonder initiatief, fietsers vanuit heel europa worden uitgenodigd voor een fietstocht in oost-europa. Deelname en overnachting is gratis.
This bike tour will follow the River Danube and it will take place from 23 June to 27 June 2009. Participation and accommodation is free and the Tour is open to every cycle enthusiast over the age of 12.
Participants of the Tour will be able to choose between two different routes. One group will start in Budapest, Hungary following the famous Danube-Drava National Park. After crossing the border to Croatia, riders will be given the opportunity to relax and unwind being entertained at an event in Vukovar. The Tour will then make its way from Croatia to Backa Palanka and Novi Sad in Serbia, before making its final journey to Belgrade, Serbia.
The second group will travel from Bucharest via Bechet to Orjahovo, crossing the Romanian-Bulgarian border. In Bulgaria, they will cycle to the beautiful city Vidin, where they will celebrate with the local population a special event. The route will pass the impressive Iron Gate which connects Romania and Serbia, before finally heading to Belgrade.
On 27 June the two groups will come together to celebrate the end of the Tour in a public event in the heart of Serbia’s capital Belgrade at the famous Kalemegdan Park.
The Danube by Bike Tour 2009 is an opportunity to bring people from all over Europe together and encourage integration and dialogue between them, whilst raising awareness of the rich cultural heritage of Southeast Europe. The River Danube is often referred to as the “Queen of European Rivers” and is a strong symbol for Europe and its diversity of cultures and nations. The Tour reinforces the importance of taking joined action to protect the unique Danube eco-system. The Danube by Bike Tour is open to everyone who likes cycling, cares about the environment and wants to make new friends throughout Europe.
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