Gepubliceerd op 08 februari 2007 00:00 (41 keer bekeken) 0
In het uitgebreide bericht meer over de nieuwe Citycycling.
De makers schrijven: "Issue 20 of citycycling is a truly action-packed affair, with high speed training in London as Charlotte Barnes burns into her first ride of the year, and Eddie Gough takes us on an annul ride into the Sinai desert.
We've been speaking to some interesting people as well. Derek from One Less Car in the US has been giving us the lowdown on the organisation, and explaining wht a snake has to do with his continued preference for the bike (really). And British telly legend, all-round eccentric, and cycling inventor Wilf Lunn has been giving us the benefit of his insanity. (mensen met een andere, liefst excentrieke kijk op het leven wordt door de engelsen gewoonlijk zeer gewaardeerd, dit in tegenstelling tot andere landen, red.)
Not only that but Wilf has donated a truly fantastic prize that would brighten up any cyclist's day.
And to add to all of that we have a look at our website of the month in a new regular feature, wonder about the point of critical mass, show you some fantastic photography from our Flickr group, and revel in a legal decision which has overturned a barmy Bruce Morgan slip of the mind."
Laten we met dit stuk in het achterhoofd even kijken wat er in het nieuwe nummer allemaal lezenswaardig is. We troffen een nieuw stukje van Airnimals and Dahons, de favoriete fotos op Flickr lijkt zelfs een ligfiets te bevatten.
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