Website Greg nu gevuld met een human powered boot
Gepubliceerd op 28 september 2006 00:00
(36 keer bekeken) 0
Het is moeilijk iedere recordpoging aan de orde te gaan stellen. Echter, soms is een uitzondering wel op zijn plaats. Iedereen kent de verhalen van zelfbouwer Greg die het 24 uur record verbeterde. Nu heeft hij plannen voor een oceaanoversteek met een boot op trapkracht. In het uitgebreide bericht het verhaal en de links.
Greg schrijft naar de leden van zijn mailinglijst:
"Anything I've ever done that ultimately was
worthwhile initially scared me to death".
- Betty Bender
Human Powered trans Atlantic Expedition
This is insane, but I feel really, really inspired. Ever since following Mick Bird's around the world rowing expedition, I have felt that this was something that I needed to do someday. 3000 solo miles across the Atlantic ocean by pedal boat should take from 45 to 100 days. It will be by far, the most difficult challenge I have ever considered.
And I say "considered" because I do not want to imply that after I complete my due diligence, I will feel like I have made an irreversible commitment to crossing an ocean if I feel that it would be unsafe. I have a family that kind of wants me to stick around for a while, and frankly, I wouldn't mind hanging around myself for a while longer. In other words, I'm not about to go and do something foolish and overly risky.
According to The Ocean Rowing Society, a total of 275 attempts to cross an ocean by rowing resulted in 6 deaths due to lost at sea and 99 failed attempts. That works out to a risk of death of 2.1% and a risk of failure of 37%. I am twice as likely to die of a stroke, and 5 times as likely to die of heart disease.
So here is the new web blog for the ocean crossing:
The new daily reports can found there.
Greg Kolodziejzyk
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