Ongestroomlijnd records
Gepubliceerd op 07 april 2005 00:00
(46 keer bekeken) 0
Vorig jaar maakten we melding van een nieuwe site in Amerika voor ongestroomlijnde records. Inmiddels zijn er wat gereden. In het uitgebreide bericht meer over de internationaal geaccepteerde regels.
De voorzitter van de ihpva riep op tot deelname in een discussie.
Hij schreef: "In 2004, Matjaz Leskovar of Slovenia, HPVA Board Member, put forward a
Proposal For IHPVA Land Vehicle Competition Rules Modification. Matjaz
shows that on IHPVA land courses with a legal slope of 0.66+ degrees,
gravity provides a significant propelling force for HPVs. The effect is
greater at higher speeds. Matjaz believes IHPVA performance records
should be achieved through the use of human power only, and therefore,
the rules should be changed, for example by requiring two-way runs.
Such a change would have a major effect, and Matjaz has called for
widespread discussion and a broad consensus before a rule change is
formally proposed to the IHPVA Board.
The Discussion Paper is on the Pedalwiki site.
The discussion is open to everyone, and Pedalwiki permits additional
comments and contributions. I urge anyone with an interest in HPV speed
records to visit.
Matjaz's proposal may be seen at this site.
A PDF is available.
Richard Ballantine
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Chair - International Human Powered Vehicle Association
- Main IHPVA website - IHPVA Board website
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Chair & Press - British Human Power Club
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